Friday 29 June 2012

We Need To Talk About Books.

Hey all! I am starting this blog simply because I love reading, I love getting advise and recommendations on books from other avid readers and with the lack of credible book clubs in Sydney I thought that perhaps we could create a book club of sorts via our computers.

At the moment I am reading 'We Need To Talk About Kevin' by Lionel Shriver. I have read this book before and am a big fan. In saying that, I am not so keen on the exhaustive and unnecessary use of "fluff" that overtake the first half of the novel, this "fluff" comes across as an almost 'clutching at straws' by the author to develop character empathy and understanding. It is the subject matter discussed and the manner in which Shriver decides to deliver her plot line and character developements which makes this book such a compelling read.

For anyone with a remote interest into the pyche of High School/Teenage killers, this book makes the rare observation of what it means to be a parent of a child who one day decides to conduct a mass murder. What the world says when your child does become a killer and how you defy the odds to still call yourself a mother.

Have you read 'We Need To Talk About Kevin'? Is so have you got any feed back on the book? If not maybe its worth adding to your reading list.

Any suggestions on what our first book as a group read should be? Send them through.

Talk soon and happy reading

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