Saturday 18 August 2012

A Read Worth a Fortune...

This week I concluded 'A Dangerous Fortune' by Ken Follett.
A friend of mine, an equally avid reader, recommended I give the book a go and had mentioned that Follett was her favourite author.
I had never heard of Follett beofre or his books but I was over joyed with the book.

Based in Victorian England, riddled with sordid love affairs, theft, murder and family secrets, 'A Dangerous Fortune' brings to life an era and society that has long past. The effort put in by the author to paint an authentic image of the time is just breathe taking, everything from the Summer social season, the courting traditions, the fashion and business as well as the role of Royalty and High Society is so extrodinarily documented that you can see the book play out as if you are in the theatre.

The characters of this story are by far the best part. With a mixture of villians, heros and in betweeners there is plenty to keep you interested and plenty to make you fall in love.

The Matriarch and all round bad bitch, Aunt Augusta, is a pivatol and crucial role in the story, her sloppy and pathetic son Edward and his evil and eager side kick Micky Miranda shape the "evil" team. The gorgeous and witty, if not, a bit rough around the edges Maisie Robinson/Greenbourne along with her lifetime love and hero of our story, Hugh Pilaster, and his various friends take the "good" side of the principal cast and all characters are written most wonderfully.

Hugh is just adorable, he is honest, has integrity, ambition but is not too proud, he is charming and is physically described as being darked haired, light eyed and over all just a stunner of a man ... move over Christian Grey - who ever you are!

I was transported back to a time often forgotten with this book. A time where sex, money, status and power were more important to a great deal of people. A book that reminds everyone that pride comes before the fall and only the best of us will make it out unscathed.

I thoroughly enjoyed this gem of a book and recommend anyone with a mild interest in historical literature pick up a copy. I will definitely be looking into more of Ken Folletts books in the future.

I am now reading 'The Reading Group' by Elizabeth Noble.

Happy reading everyone!!!


Thursday 9 August 2012

Marley and Me, The Perfect Match

It has been a couple of weeks since my last blog and I have since devoured two books and am part way through a third.

First I read the Perfect Match by Jodi Picoult. Jodi is one of my favourite authors, I can rely on her to write a compelling plot, with characters I connect with and often a subject matter that really has me asking, "what would I do in this situation?"

The Perfect Match has all the right ingredients to be a great read. A strong lead character whose actions are powered by the love she holds for her son. A bold underlying issue that is prominent and somewhat ignored in todays society and a gritty legal battle which provides twists and turns throughout the book.

Nina is intelligent and exception in her work and is a really awesome female role model in a lot of ways. There is her dutiful and reliable husband, her gorgeous, witty and consistently loyal best friend Patrick, and of course her fragile and innocent son Nathaniel. Along with a host of partial characters the roles in the book are beautifully portrayed and provide the overall story with a solid foundation.

The subject matter Jodi tackles in this book was by no means going to be an easy feat for any author and I think the plot and general direction it took perhaps did not lend itself so well to the underlying issue. Essentially where is the line in the sand between getting even and getting justice?

While I finished up the book satisfied with the conclusion I didn't feel the fulfillment by the body of text that I usually have at the end of a Jodi Picoult novel. Perhaps I hold her work in such high regard I expect so very much from her. This book was good, but I did not ask myself 'what would I do in this situation' and I did not look at the characters motives, decisions or actions in as much depth as I have done with other works of hers.

John Grogan put this little gem of a novel together about his experience with "mans best friend".

I remember sitting on the couch one night with my husband and flicking channels to find the movie of this book on tele. My husband and I had not heard about the book and had heard little about the film but we knew it involved a dog and as avid animal lovers stayed tuned for the full duration. The film was heart wrenching and I recall crying for a good 10minutes while the credits rolled away. I was warned the book would do the same, I can assure you it did that and so much more.

I think the reason that this book is such a huge hit is because you don't actually have to be an animal lover to enjoy it. I believe almost anyone could understand and feel the emotion that Grogan describes so eloquently and honestly in this somewhat unusual memoir.

Marley is the lovable, destructible family pet who joins John and Jenny as they begin their adult lives together. Marley is there in their honeymoon stage, when they become first time parents, when they make further additions to their family, when they change jobs and addresses. Marley is a large, not only emotionally but physically, part of their world for 13 years and I guess none of us really understand the impact that anyone; human or beast, will have on our lives over such an expanse of time.No matter how quickly it seems to pass.

I think what made me laugh out loud, cry into my tissues and feel those warm fuzzy moments the most was the honest integrity in which John portrays not only his beloved pet but his wife and children. I really felt like I knew this family, this crazy Labrador Evader. I feel like I was welcomed in to their lives and was able to share their precious memories.
It is not often you get caught up in a story that slowly melts your heart but I absolutely fell in love with the Grogan family and with Grogan's Majestic Marley of Churchill.

I might have to look at getting a Marley for Me :)

Happy Reading Everyone!